Gallery Love is all around us Carols by Candlelight Birmingham Concert Band and Northern Star Ukuleles 12th Night marks the end of Christmas A season on Heaven and Hell Blessing and Light, as the days lengthen. Pancakes are a thing here Shrove Tuesday? Easter, the sparks still fly. The end of the night, the day before. The Liche Gate How would Jesus do it? Ester breakfast, a barbecue of fish Communion happens most weeks. Lunch at Bluebell Park The family around the fire. A tree of prayer. Playlist for a ukulele Sunday Angels on the walls. Spiritual exercise keeps you spiritually fit! We remember the legendary Bogey on a Stick Saxons and Beorma face off! Life. The Universe. Everything. Discuss. Sweep the cat with Neil the minister. We were even on the telly! How community enterprise works Encountering God through music Ancient and modern need not collide, together they can enhance. Being a disciple involves curiosity and exploration. Finding God inside and out. It’s not complicated, we think being together is important. Morning Fires to remember loved ones. All Soul’s Day Baptism at Chelmsley Wood Baptist Church. We are not about lists of dos and don’ts, we are about living in a way that shows love and honour to God and others. The story of Jesus, encountered in a different way. We are a people of Faith, Hope and Love. Sharing bread and wine is important, this was shared with our sisters and brothers from St Andrew’s Sunrise in Chelmsley Wood